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How to learn easily and effectively by simple ways

How to learn easily and effectively

How To Learn Easily And effectively By Simple Ways

£verybody wants to learn many things Fast and easily,I also But we can do that sometimes only because of other routine things and not knowing how to do them effectively in less energy and are some easy and effective tips for you and when you try it,you will definately get results.

Make a list

First of all make a list of things that you want to learn on a paper,phone or in your diary After that make a short list from that which are more important and which less.Now you have a proper list about what you want to learn.

Do a research

first you find out what things you have available about what you want to learn for that make a little reseach. make a list again if you dont know that take someone's help which know that allready or you can take some help of internet. (just sure that you have all the things before start.)

for e.g if you want to learn drawing then basic things like pencile, paper, brush in case painting,a basic drawing guidline book,picture that you want to draw.).

if you don't have any thing then dont worry you can use another related thing from your home or waste,in case that is expensive or not available. At starting you can start with basic available things. dont care about what you don't have, think how you can do that without that thing or use another thing, is the best way of learning in less money at start.

Start with less time

At starting you dont know about that thing, so start with less time as per strength of mind,because you need be to familiar with the things. gradually increase your time its very good. do the things regularly, every day a little part of your learning,because of less learning part you can't be stressful and done that immidiately.

I said start with less time because if spending more time and you are not understanding and getting results,then may be your interest will start decrease and can end. after when you learn basic things about that,then spend more time to practice it.

How to start

This is very important because I found that lots of people are clever and able to do and interested to learn things but actual problem is that either they don't know how to start or how to do and sometimes both.

first step is chose a place where not much things are available and no one can disturb you.start with small part- Read it carefully with meaning of every world if don't a world then underline that and find meaning in dictionary later. after completing you understood something from that but not all then with meaning of unknown words try to understand all again.don't go fast as you want to complete in less time.this is a bad idea.when you are familier with words automatically you get the more speed.

After reading one paragraph which you have chosen then repeat it with new world meaning and try to understand meaning of all paragraph.then think on that and ask to your self.that will give you more and easy understanding OK. again think on it as per your thinking direction ,level that what is in that paragraph.why they write it as it is and what is purpose behind that as they wrote it. then close your eyes and try to remember what you have read.

imagine whatever you can from that. create something related to that in mind and write it down on paper.lastlly once again read all that then go for next but dont try to remember that as immediately ok .Believe me you don't need to remember because that will automatically store in memory.

Don't be panic or disturb

some time what happens you want to do a task from heart but because of any reason you can't do that. sometimes you need to go anywhere against your mind.sometimes disturbance is more so you can't concentrate. many reasons like that,its ok this happens many times and this is normal to everyone but don't get panic or get angry immidiately because that only and only disturb you and your concentration that is all your loss without any just waste your energy and time get distracted yourself from link. so don't take that things more seriously because that are worthless.

you need just focus on another task of your list that you can do that time because already you have less time and you want learn more things so because that point you stick to that every time whatever may happen outside. Doing this will help to keep yourself from anger and same time your leaning also continue "be smart".

you understand what is this, if you unable do one thing sometime then don't worry make smart decision and start learning another thing because that I said make some reseach and get the all things and materials first , because you know problem can occurs any time so I believed that you have to ready with alternate option always. anger and not having some patiens will distract you and cant done that thing in less time effectively.

Repeat once before day Off

what you are learning during a day that revise one time before the 24 hours because if you are not done this you can forgot half of what you learnt and whole just revise once before going to bed. on next day just a take overview what you learn last day jusk like you read news paper. This small technique if you repeat every day then you don't need to memorize all that things ok.

Make it interesting.

Whatever you are giving to learn your like it its very important and even if you don't like it then make it interesting until you like it ok.

There is a basic rule either you go to learn quality things and if that are not then make them qualitative

because in both case you putting a common thing that is time and which limited to everyone.

what you are trying to learn make then as simple as possible by your imagination,creativity and thinking level. how you can understand convert that thing into your format. doesn't matter what your process matters only your learning in every condition creative every time.

Practice and implement.

After learning any thing you need practice it till you are way of doing practice is to apply what you learn on different types of thing to find out mistakes because this you can identify difference between what you learn and how you apply that. that will make you easy to remember and if you are creative then you can make it more simpler than others.

Purposeful learning

many people learn anything by its demand and profit and I think that is wrong intention of learning what ,it is educating yourself to make things better but you if you are learning as usually comparing with others and because of routine then this is wrong thinking because you are going not only you time but also energy,hardwork and also money.

learn purposefully. learning must be purposeful,not only because of anything is in demand or popular or for status, this is worthless thinking.purposful learning change your attitude and thinking behind that learning.

Inspire and self motivated

when you deside learning something new (a skill, course, instrument like anything else) happiness and excitment is high but slowly it start decreasing and sometime at a point you think of give up and this happens and also you experienced that before.

Give up anything is bad idea think what was your goal and why you want to start. so, to not happen this you have inspired and selfmotivate yourself every time because start anything is easy but stick to it and continue is very hard. so you need lots of patience and intence willpower. think positive and imagine you are learning that thing easily this is better way for preparing.

Read This : How to study efficiently

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