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How To Study Efficiently By Yourself

How To Study Efficiently

Efficient Study

How to study efficiently

Efficient Study

Study is basic way of building good strong foundation and first step of whatever you are going become or will doing in life. Study is best thing if you are a good learner and learning from heart then this is miracle for everyone because you don't know what you will discover based on it, may be your study can change the world.

Most of time lots of people are doing study purposelessly and just for marks and degrees and may be for some other invalid reasons. If your study is purposeful then and then only you will get better results not immediately but after some time with full certainty.

So think why your are learning. What is your purpose and directly and indirectly what is your goal.

Here are some tips which help to learn more , effectively and improve your learning .

"Study should be Purposeful, Systematic, by being Free learner to imbibe pure knowledge to explore Things and make them useful to all human kind."

Reference Books

Books are pure source of information and knowledge and lots of learners has been doing big mistake that they are reading notes only and just running back to that and unknowingly making mistakes. By reading notes you only will get pass in exam but by studying books you will earn many voluable things,

- Good knowledge
- History in brief
- Previous system
- Their problems and solutions
- You will get idea about system and because of that your learning becomes more clear.
- You can explain concepts more clearly and can think about designing new system.

Make your notes

When you are sit to study then first try to understand what you are reading and their meaning and then write down important things in notebook.

Do this with all the subjects one by one for single chapter. after complete make your own notes in your words so that you does not need to worry and remember like recited things.

Don't only recite because sometimes understanding a concepts are much important than writing them in paper and getting marks.

Do it but not all time and with all subjects otherwise you will away from good things and you will slowdown in future.

Practice daily

This is basic habit like body needs meal everyday for producing energy like that brain needs new information for working , imagination and action. So practice daily for some time that will automatically reduce your study time and you does not need to be anxious during exam and indirectly affects your performance.

How to practice

Take slate or rough paper write things in your way and words.

Carefully observe which part is simple and which is hard and where you have done mistake and where may be possible. So this will reduce your mistakes slowly and increase precision.

Find the spot of mistake and remind your brain, apply your technique to remember that and for not making it again.

Problems and solutions

During study biggest problem is that not understanding the meaning of what you have learn. So try to understand the words And their meaning. Then think on that and try to understand the concept and how it is applied. Use your brain, skill and information and think in all direction. Here you will find new technique that will yours.

Do regular study

Study everyday make it a habit and follow it if you will study everyday then your work get reduce and indirectly you will go to next step slowly slowly and you accomplish much in less time than others.

Note that every body not doing study every day and because of that they will slow down in performance and one day they will suddenly fail because everybody are doing mistakes but most one ignore that and take lightly but you don't do this. this is an opportunity of learning more in once because if you made a mistake and if you correct that immediately or on to the next day with full concentration then you are changing and improving yourself . So take it seriously. This make big changes in your performance.

Study hours

Their is not a specific time for study if your passionate, hungry , impatient and mad for learning new things and for your goal they you can study any time anywhere no matter what the time is and what happens around you matters only learning.

Some good hours from a day are very early morning like 5 am to 10 am. In the evening from 5pm to 10 pm and in the night from 11 pm to 3 am like this you can choose and study.

Divide in small parts

Whatever you are going to learn divide that in small parts like if you have 5 0r 6 subjects then study one chapter from one subject and then study one chapter another subject and so on do like this. This is your break as well as change in your work.

If your are bored by reading then solve the example of other subjects or you can practice important diagrams in afternoon and after dinner in night.

Your own technique

During study all time don't copy others try to make new ways, tricks to remember and techniques for understanding so because of that you will become independent and can take your own decision and that improves your performance and built your direction and routes.

Here know one thing that even if problem is same or common then also the solution is different according to situation and condition. So follow your brain.

self examine

After learning anything you have to test that for knowing how much you understand that and how much you can do that independently.

Find each and every mistake may be which is small or big take that seriously and punish your self and follow that punishment honestly. this sounds odd one but if you want to be good performer in future and you don't have any mentor or guide then here you need to be your own mentor or guide.

Test yourself

Every week make a hard question paper by yourself and try to solve that honestly in minimum time and examine your performance and make changes as per need.

See your time management
See your performance past and current.
See your mistakes and solve them.
Try to identify your abilities and capacities.
Try to increase your capacities.

Revise it

This is common know method to every one but little change is that what you study new immediately revise whole thing and again before going to sleep just read like news paper. so you can easily remember that like good recited.

Published : How to Study efficiently

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